Lizy: Site Manager

The 35-year-old Lizy Verwerft works as a Site Manager at VINCI Facilities. During a scheduled maintenance, she starts up the project together with a subcontractor according to the correct safety instructions, and provides the necessary assistance and follow-up afterwards.

“There are so many opportunities within VINCI Energies,
the sky is the limit.”

  • Name: Lizy Verwerft
  • Age: 35 
  • Studies: Evening school Electromechanics
  • Function: Site Manager
  • Hobbies: Spending time with her children, going out for dinner

The 35-year-old Lizy Verwerft works as a Site Manager at VINCI Facilities. During a scheduled maintenance, she starts up the project together with a subcontractor according to the correct safety instructions, and provides the necessary assistance and follow-up afterwards. More specifically, she is responsible for the ZNA Cadix project, a new hospital in Antwerp. Managing subcontractors, analyzing the entire building management system, managing preventive and corrective tickets in the maintenance system, analyzing malfunctions including fire detection, access control, nurse calls and other techniques are her main tasks.

Does VINCI Energies offer you enough flexibility?

Lizy: Yes, my family always comes first for me and I have felt supported in this by VINCI Energies from the beginning. The company is attentive to everyone’s situation and shows this by being understanding and allowing flexibility. Therefore, my family does not feel neglected. In addition, it is also great that VINCI Energies tries to involve our families as much as possible through various events, such as an annual trip with all colleagues and their families to an amusement park.

Where does your love for industry and technology originate from?

Lizy: I actually developed this passion quite coincidentally. I used to think for a long time that I would end up in the HR world, but eventually I noticed that I really wanted to pursue a job in the technical field by discovering various techniques through conversations with both clients and end users in the temporary employment sector. That is when I decided to go to evening school and how I finally ended up at VINCI Energies after some other technical experiences. I have acquired many of my current skills on the job and through training sessions provided by suppliers. However, I intend to continue to improve myself on a daily basis and to deepen my technical knowledge even more. VINCI Energies makes this perfectly possible thanks to their broad training offer: Within the company there are so many opportunities and possible career paths, the sky is the limit.

How can we encourage more women to enter the technical industry?

Lizy: Everything actually starts with making all children, including girls, enthusiastic about a technical profession at school. When I enrolled my son in a technical school, there was only one girl present. I spontaneously approached her and encouraged her to follow her passion, because I understand that sometimes it can be difficult when you feel a little out of place. Some prejudices are hard to overcome, especially the idea that women have less technical knowledge. This is precisely why I am proud to participate in this campaign to change this perception. I also find it important to introduce both my son and (step)daughter to technology from an early age, in combination with other skills of course, and to let them choose for themselves which career path they want to pursue.