
Our business units constantly strengthen their commitment to responsibility, compliance and respect for dignity and individual rights to ensure that all our employees uphold our standards of integrity, probity and transparency.

The VINCI Group’s guidelines underpin our ethics

To be on the cutting edge of compliance with constantly tightened national and international standards, VINCI Energies acts in accordance with the VINCI Group’s guidelines, including the Code of Ethics and Conduct. It sets out the principles of business ethics that must guide the conduct of all business units and employees under all circumstances and in all countries. It is backed by an Anti‑corruption Code of Conduct designed to be more operational.

In addition, the Manifesto published in 2012 spells out eight broad principles governing VINCI’s compliance and sustainable development commitments to its stakeholders.

Risk mapping for each business unit

Ethics and compliance are the cornerstone of our managerial model and entrepreneurial approach. They are an integral part of all our processes, from risk mapping to third-party assessments, including bid review procedures, acquisition audits and in-house whistleblowing systems. The annual internal audit campaign monitors proper implementation. Ethics and compliance are also covered by a special management training module designed for directors and business unit managers.

The ComEth application

The ComEth application helps VINCI Energies managers track transmission and acceptance by their employees of the Code of Ethics and Conduct and the Anti-Corruption Code of Conduct.
It also helps them track the roll-out of the anti-corruption training module (e-learning, available in eight languages).

Our codes of conduct

With several thousand new recruits joining the Group every year, it is important that we formally outline our business ethics principles. This is the main purpose of the following documents.

Whistleblowing procedure

What it is?
As part of its mechanism to prevent and detect acts of corruption, as well as its vigilance plan to prevent risks associated with human rights, health and safety, environment and more generally, as a measure to ensure proper implementation of the VINCI Policy, VINCI Energies Belgium has set up a whistleblowing procedure whereby any employee and any stakeholder may, in a secure and confidential manner, report breaches relating to the VINCI Energies Belgium Group’s activities inside and outside Belgium.